Nepal is the museum of the human races or even said as the anthropological pilgrimage. The population of the country is 30 million with the density of 156.27 per square kilometers as the National Census 2012 A.D. roughly the majority of the people are the Indo-Aryans and the remainder is of mongoloid origin. The peoples in the Himalayan are called Tibeto -Mongoloid by races and Tibeto-Buddhist by religion. They speak Tibetan language and their own dialects. Their life is based on the Trans- Himalayan trade and Cis- Himalayan trade. It was believed that the people called the Sherpas of the North East Nepal were the migrants of the eastern Tibet.

In the midhill region the peoples are living with agriculture. Newars are the main ethnic group of Kathmandu and are mostly associated in business. Magars, Gurungs, Rai and Limbus form the warrior class and are famous throughout the world as Brave Gurkhas.Terai had been poorly inhabited for long time because of the fear of so – called disease Malaria. It was covered with the dense forests for many years and now mass deforestation has made this region better place to live. During the course of time people from mid-hills started migrating to this region as they found the land there rich enough for cultivation. Rapid migration is affecting the density of population.The land mass is divided into their geographical zones. The snowcapped high Himalaya; the mountainous region with long terraced slopes leading to fertile and the flat sub-tropical Terai Region. The High Himalayan region extends in the north from the west to east at an altitude of 4000m to 8848m. The world’s highest peak Mt. Everest (8848.86m) lies here. The southern Belt stretches east to west by a width of 26 to 32 Km and a maximum elevation of about 305m.